Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a Wonderful Day

today was a wonderful day in the Lord. the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ have been answered. today at work there was less cussing, and i had an opportunity to speak about the Lord my Savior. last night at bible study we prayed that the Lord would sustain me through my sufferings at work. He did so much more! today i had lunch with teresa about worship meetings she had me call two people about the concert. while i was at work i noticed less swearing, and i saw the office manager call out an employee for using the "f-word" and saying "gd". as the day ended i pulled out my cell phone and had a message from jeff one of the people i called for teresa. i pulled out my trusty composition notebook to take down his information and the head technician saw it and asked me if it was notes for work. i said no it's notes from the Lord, and proceeded to show him the revelations and the songs the Lord had given me to write down. he then asked if i were religious, so i replied yes and asked him if he were. he said no that he just believes that you should be the best you can be. after this it was time to leave so we said our goodbyes and left.

i had a glorious day in the Lord. He answered prayers and gave opportunities to speak of Him. it was wonderful. He opened a door and the first step in was taken, so i ask that you pray for more so that i can experience more.

to Him be all glory and power both now and forever. Amen