Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Green Grass Grows All Around

On thursdays i meet with kevin and teresa to prepare for the worship of the Lord on thursday night practices and sunday services. Today we spoke about John 17 and being kept in the name of Jesus and therefore in the name of the Father so that we may be unified in His glory. We spoke of being sanctified through and in His Word, and being sent out into the world even though we are not of this world. Jesus said that we(believers) are sent into the world that they(unbelievers) may know who He is. In Genesis 1 the Lord told adam and eve that they were not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words they were to do as He commanded, to remain in His word. In chapter 2 he told them to be fruitful and multiply and to go out and subdue the earth. Kevin said this was one and the same command. As soon as he said this it clicked, one of those ah ha why didn't i see that before moments.

The green grass grows all around all around the green grass grows all around. We are kept in the Name by which we are saved. We are in the Kingdom of God . Eden was the Kingdom of God. We are the Kingdom of God. We are to go out into the world sanctified by His word, in which we are to live daily, and grow. It is to often that churches go out and plant more churches to crush the world with christianity. What i learned today is that we are to grow as the grass grows. I have st. augustine grass in my backyard, it started as a piece of sod and is now covering half of the yard. All i did was throw it on the ground and water it. This piece of sod is like the Kingdom of Heaven. The water we receive is the sanctification from the word, and we are the grass. If we are watered daily, hourly, constantly, we will grow as the Father wants us to grow. My grass sent out runners still connected to the main body of grass, that way it can not die. We are to go out and take over or subdue the earth the way the grass subdued my backyard. Never separated, to conquer the world, as weeds sprout here and there. But, to live and grow as one organism, unified in Christ by the name with which we are saved.

I desire for us all to be unified so that we can grow as one piece of sod connected and constantly watered, so that we can subdue the earth and spread the Kingdom of God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like the connection to the grass. much like being in the vine, connected to the same root which is Jesus.